The Millstone is a new documentary film that will tell the stories of eight survivors of LDS sexual assault. The film will primarily focus on the survivor experience and will build empathy with audiences through powerful storytelling, beautiful animation, and thought-provoking commentary. The film will demonstrate the many ways that the Mormon church systematically silences victims and protects sexual predators. 

First Look Clips

The Problem

1 out of every 4 women and 1 out of every 6 men have been sexually abused at some point in their lives. (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) is a perfect example of the many institutions (religious or otherwise) that stigmatize, traumatize, and alienate the survivors of sexual violence. For nearly 200 years the Mormon church has cultivated a dark legacy of silencing and shaming victims while sheltering abusers. The Millstone will combine raw and emotional interviews, powerful storytelling, and beautiful animation to put audiences in the shoes of survivors. This film is meant to foster empathy, educate the masses and call for accountability. Jesus taught that “whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”. Sadly, in the Mormon church and other organizations like it, the metaphorical millstone is never placed around the neck of abusers, instead the unbearable burden of shame, confusion, pain, and sadness is hung on the necks of survivors. Our film aims to inspire people to lift that burden and to take an active part in preventing abuse in the church and everywhere.

Meet the Director

Kenny Ballentine (they/them) has worked as a documentary filmmaker since 2008. Their feature length Nature Kids was featured in National Park visitor centers across the country and their 2016 short film Estamos Aqui premiered at The (Obama) Whitehouse. Kenny’s films have screened on every continent and in 27 countries. They also directed the recently released Healing Us (featuring Oscar-winner Susan Sarandon as narrator), which is now available on Amazon Prime. Kenny is also an award-winning screenwriter and poet. They currently reside in Northern California where Kenny is raising four children with thier loving partner Amber.

The Team

Maddy Purves, Co-Director, Editing and Animation

Amiah Adamiak, Music

Maven Brody, Producer

Jon Sanderson, Marketing

DeVaughn Keys, Graphics

Kindra Cilani, Producer

Nate Bagley, Marketing

Jack Expressionist, Music

The Millstone

a poem by Kenny Ballentine

The Stories

Not a Complete List

In 1984 Chris Davis was a devout believer in her ward’s Young Women program. She was sexual assaulted by a young man who was then investigating the church. By the time Chris built up the courage to talk about the assault, her abuser had been baptized. Her Bishop insisted that since her abuser had been baptized he was no longer responsible for the “sins” he committed prior to baptism. She was told to keep quiet, forgive and move on.

When McKay Johnson arrive in the mission field he was filled with enthusiasm and eagerness to begin serving the people and teaching the gospel. He had no idea what kind of nightmare he was about to experience. Shortly into his first transfer McKay would be groomed and then sexually assaulted by his senior companion. Instead of giving love and support, McKay’s Mission President only offered blame and shame and sent McKay home. McKay is a passionate advocate and ally, especially for male survivors of sexual assault.

Colby and Cami Reddish are a couple from Idaho whose life and faith were shaken when their bishop was convicted and sent to prison for sexually abusing children. Kolby and Cami would eventually be ostracized from their congregation for trying to spread awareness of their former Bishop’s behavior. The shocking actions taken by local leadership to silence them is just one of the countless examples of how the church consistently tries to hide sexual assault in order to protect the church’s good name.

At the tender age of 8 years old Kenny Ballentine was violently raped at a sleepover. They dealt with undiagnosed PTSD symptoms and crippling shame for nearly 30 years before opening up to anyone about what happened that night. Kenny’s story illustrate the devastating ways church teachings and culture silences victims and convinces them that they are at fault.

There is likely nobody who understands the survivor experience as well as Kindra Celani. Her podcast (Latter-Day Survivors) and website have provided a platform for more than 3000 survivors to tell their stories. Her voice, power and autonomy were stolen away by her abusers and the church that protected them. She has since dedicated her life to helping other survivors tell their stories and find healing.

Mormon History and Culture

LDS behavior regarding modern-day sexual assault cases has deep historical and cultural roots that go all the way back to Joseph Smith and the foundations of Mormon power.

The “Happiness Letter” is a perfect example of how grooming and sexual coercion was rampant in early mormonism. This video is produced by Nemo the Mormon. Please subscribe to his YouTube channel. He does fantastic work.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a detailed and systematic program intended to burry sexual assault stories, protect abusers and silence victims. The program involves a powerful law firm, a gigantic amount of money, and disproportionate political influence. The Millstone will demonstrate how the system works and why so many big religions continue to successfully protect their reputations at the expense of abuse victims.

The AP recently covered the tragic story of how the mormon “sex-abuse cover-up pipeline” knowingly allowed child sex abuse to continue for years in one Arizona congregation.

We Need Your Help!

The Millstone is looking for sponsors, charitable donations, survivor stories, and enthusiastic supporters. We invite you to be a part of our team as we develop this important film over the next 12 months and as we release it to the world in late 2025. If you think you can help in any way, please contact Kenny Ballentine at or via text at (916)705-4279. You can also follow us on TikTok and join our mailing list. Thank you!