Healing Us
Narrated by Susan Sarandon, Healing Us stands as the final case for American healthcare to be free and accessible to all—through a single-payer system.
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archivist entertainment presents HEALING US directed by KENNY BALLENTINE produced by PRINCIPAL PRINT & MEDIA executive producer DR JOSEPH Q JARVIS associate producers AMBER BALLENTINE & JAMES STEED edited by MADDY PURVES motion graphics by DEVAUGHN KEYS cinematography by KENNY BALLENTINE additional camera TAYLOR SCHOFIELD, MADDY PURVES, DEVAUGHN KEYS, JOHN MINOR, GERALD KING, MAXIMILLIAN WRIGHT, KEVIN FOX “Saved Me” by Alex Holloway copyright ARCHIVIST ENTERTAINMENT LLC 2023
68,000+ Americans will die this year due to lack of adequate healthcare
and 500,000+ families will file for bankruptcy due to medical expenses.
These numbers only represent a fraction of the trauma that millions of people experience everyday in the American for-profit healthcare industry. Yet numerous polls have shown that over 70% of Americans support switching to a universal healthcare system.
Production Stills
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